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Here are 6 natural astringents you can use at home to refine your pores:

  1. Witch Hazel
  2. Rose Water
  3. Lemon-Orange
  4. Chamomile-Mint
  5. Sanadalwood
  6. Cucumber

I use witch hazel, rose water, orange water, cucumber and mint in my facial toner (along with other natural astringents), but you could follow the advice of the Indian Makeup & Beauty Blog and create your own homemade toner using any of these ingredients. Aside from being an effective way to deeply cleanse and refine you pores, it’s also fun and economical to make your own beauty products.

Here’s what they say about home-made toners in the article:

They can be easily made with things which are freely available in your kitchen or your fruit basket. Since they are prepared with natural ingredients, they do not have negative effects and they are gentle on your skin. Often, they are cheaper than the astringents obtainable in reputed shops dealing in beauty products; but, at the same time, they can effectively meet your daily beauty requirements.

Check out this blog. It is packed with really good beauty advice. Always a good read. And this post has tips on the best way to use a natural astringent toner, as well as how to make one for yourself.

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